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Tag: #IntellectualProperty

World IP Day 2024

Innovators and entrepreneurs met at the IOME001 Social Innovation Centre to commemorate World Intellectual Property Day on the 26th of April, with an enlightening workshop focused on intellectual property matters.  The attendees were introduced to various types of intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks, and technovation, and explored the processes and prerequisites for acquiring these protections. The workshop provided a comprehensive overview of intellectual property, highlighting its importance in protecting creative and innovative works. Participants learned about the different types of intellectual property and their specific applications, such as how copyrights safeguard original works of authorship, trademarks protect brand identity, and technovation encourages technological advancements. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the workshop included practical sessions where participants could engage in discussions and case studies, helping them understand the real-world implications of intellectual property rights. The concept of open source hardware and software solutions was also discussed. This year’s theme was “Building a Common Future with Innovation and Creativity”  

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